Download and Read Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine Book PDF ByGabriel Cousens, M.D.,Tree of Life Cafe Chefs Total Buying 28 Medical researchers have found that a high-fat, high-sugar diet, combined with environmental pollutants and stress, can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body collectively known as chronic degenerative disease. Here holistic physician Gabriel Cousens addresses the dangers of foods that have been genetically modified, treated with pesticides, microwaved, and irradiated—and presents an alternative diet of whole, natural, organic, and raw foods that can reverse chronic disease and restore vitality. Both a guide to natural health and a cookbook, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine features over 250 revolutionary vegan recipes from chefs at the Tree of Life Cafe, from Buttery Butternut Porridge to Raw-violis to Carob Coconut Cream Eclairs. Combining modern research on metabolism, ecological consciousness, and a rainbow of live foods, Dr. Cousens dishes up comprehensive, p...
Download Ketogenic Diet Crock Pot Cookbook Online Book PDF ByOliver Cooper Total Buying 19 The ketogenic diet is one of the most effective and easiest diets I've ever tried to follow. But what makes this diet working so perfectly well? The ketogenic diet could cause our body to burn the fat rather quickly! But what if you have decided to follow the ketogenic diet but you really hate spending all the time in the kitchen? The solution is here - the KETOGENIC DIET CROCKPOT cookbook is what you have searched for so long! Do you want to cook delicious and easy food for yourself and your family? The Crock Pot and the recipes in this cookbook are definitely what you need! This cookbook offers a great variety of delicious and flavorful recipes from keto-friendly products that could upgrade an old-fashioned appliance for the modern kitchen. The step-by-step recipes with a detailed description of products and measurements of this cookbook will definitely help you in a realization of your ai...